9 класс

На этой странице все ссылки для учащихся 9-х классов

Form 9

Read the text and do the tasks here


Titanic in 30 seconds

Funky English  Read and listen to the stories about different countries

ESL POdcast Travel in Canada



Задание на каникулы:

(распечатайте результат в свой портфолио по английскому языку)

Your Birthday 
(узнай, какой это был день недели)
4) Выучите одну из песен, опубликованных на главной странице.

Teenagers: Their Life and Problems

Families and Friends: Are We Happy Together?


1) Find out
  • what are your classmates' favourite hangouts
  • how they usually spend their free time
  • what their interests and preferences in the field of sports, music, cinema, arts, etc.
  • if they read fiction or other books, how much they read and if they enjoy reading
  • if they have pets, what their pets are, what they think of keeping exotic animals as pets
  • if they travel and where they would like to go, what places they would like to visit


  • Write a paragraph (10-12 sentences) about what teens like to do in their free time
Project Work

напишите эссе на одну из тем:

  • What does it mean to be a teen?
  • What do teens dream about?
  • Teens and their free time.
  • Friends in teens' lives.
  • The difficulty of growing up.
  • how much does your family mean to you?
  • Cruelty and violence among teenagers.
  • Teens' independence.
  • What helps teens to survive in the modern life?
  • The person who influenced your life most.
  • What makes your generation different from others?
  • Generation gap: does it really exist?

Reading & Listening

Прочитайте и послушайте статьи из журнала для подростков


                                                 Inventions Timeline

Интерактивная таблица Менделеева
                                  Study the Interactive Periodic Table


Тема: "Favourite Writers and Books"
Russian Writers открыть здесь


Quiz  Headlines

(Что нужно было сделать дома):


Сообщение блога Любимые книги и авторы

  • Ответьте на вопросы, выполните задания.
  • Какое из известных высказываний о значении книг вам понравилось больше всего? Переведите его на русский язык и выучите.


Тема "Средства массовой информации. Телевидение"

  • Вы знаете, кто такой "сouch potato"? - Это человек, который проводит слишком много времени перед экраном телевизора. Ответьте на вопрос:
Are you a couch potato?  - 

Составьте список слов по теме

to surf the channels
to be on - to turn on   What is on?
to broadcast / to show / to offer / to specialize in ... / to present / to tell / to perform / to give / to demonstrate / to ento stand for / to serve / to prefer /  to enlighten / to entertain / to miss / to spread / to imagine / to break down / to fail / to depress / to become (get)addicted / to fall asleep
live / major / minor / current / equal / serious /
educational programmes / documentaries / discussions /talk shows / quiz shows
series based on a modern bestseller / soap opera / regional news
the best non-commercial television system

.... (продолжите этот список)

СМИ в Великобритании Radio and TV


 Сделайте свой фильм, в котором ваши герои обсудят любимые телевизионные передачи. Посмотрите, как это можно сделать:

Учите слова
Types of Films slides

Grammar / Грамматика

Passive Voice
be V3
1) simple present / (is V3 / are V3) /
2) simple past / (was V3 / were V3)
3) present continuous (is being V3 / are being V3)
4) past continuous (was being V3 / were being V3)
Определите, к какой группе относятся следующие формы глагола:
 Be done, is spoken,  is made, is situated, are grown, am asked, was read, was born, were built, is being read, are being asked, is being watched, are being performed, were being translated, was being cleaned, were being sold, was being washed.

Preparing for testing:
1) Listening!


Favourite Movie

Song "You Are Not Alone"

2) Reading

(Прочитать и выполнить задание)

Прочитайте о Нарциссе About Narcissus 

Listen & Read a story by Charles Dickens turned into a pantomime:
Рассказ Чарльза Диккенса, записанный как театральная постановка:
A Christmas Carol Part I
A Christmas Carol Part II
A Christmas Carol Part III
Or read The original text by Charles Dickens

3) Writing

Letter Generator - для тех, кому трудно писать письма

Прочитайте эссе, написанное учащимися
About television (a student's essay)

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